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"Once plagued by illnesses and spending thousands of dollars on meat, Michael has turned his health around by going vegetarian. He joins Russell Simmons vegan, Bill Clinton, Woody Harrelson vegan, Forest Whitaker, and a long list of other healthy, compassionate men whose meat-free lifestyles help save animals' lives and their own.
Since going vegetarian, "Big Mike" has shed 35 pounds from his 6-foot-5 frame—and is a lot healthier. Michael keeps his trimmer, fitter body strong by getting much of his vitamins and nutrients from plants. Instead of packing on protein from an artery-clogging steak, he eats fruits, vegetables, and legumes such as beans, peanuts, and tofu, just like vegetarian athletes Ricky Williams vegan, Mac Danzig vegan, and Daniel Bryan vegan, just to name a few. Going vegetarian keeps Michael at a lesser risk of our nation's biggest killers, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and strokes."
Check out Michael's exclusive interview with Peta to hear his story: www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=iGh2_qgYJd8